
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 청주밤알바 청주여성알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 청주밤알바 청주여성알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 청주밤알바 청주여성알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 청주밤알바 청주여성알바
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 청주밤알바 청주여성알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 청주밤알바 청주여성알바

The rebel commander’s angry order spread, and the defenders, r

elying on their superiority in numbers, moved to surround the in

truders from all sides, striking with the tips of their spears in uni

son, and arrows from the archers deployed on the castle walls ra

ined down.Even if they are hit by an unexpected blow, the archers

camped on the wall with a good view can aim and fire at the par

atroopers on the ground as they please, and when ready, they c

an use the magic weapons for anti-army forces, including the m

agic spears of the defense towers. can also be expected.Soon, se

veral people fall down after being hit by arrows flying in close pr

oximity.Meanwhile, the Red Army did not give up and began to re

spond in unison from the ground, while also moving in unison to

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 청주밤알바 청주여성알바

suppress the castle gate’s defenses based on prior information.

In terms of the power of the weapons used, the Soviet army ove

rwhelms the defenders, and even with a small number of troops,

they have the upper hand and proceed with the battle, but the M

oravian side is not the only one suffering.If they occupy the stron

g [Tochika], which is the defense system of the castle gate, and e

ven a bowman or a bowman fires an arrow from the castle wall

in good weather, it becomes a threat.Moreover, the military unifo

rms worn by Red Army soldiers are far inferior to the helmets a

nd armor of this world in terms of defensive power.The Red Arm

y inflicted damage to the enemy that was several times that of it

s own army, but was gradually subdued and dwindled by attacks

by magicians and arrows flying endlessly from above the castle g

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 청주밤알바 청주여성알바

ate, but the situation turned around when the gate was destroy

ed by a mortar stray bullet.Even if a sufficient number of barrier

magicians were deployed and the barrier defense was perfect, a

Moravian-style fortress that could block even heavy artillery arm

or-piercing grenades would not be able to demonstrate its origi

nal defensive power without an important barrier.The main gate,

which had not even been deployed as a defensive barrier, was co

mpletely destroyed, and when the main force of the airborne fo

rces poured in from outside the castle, the situation immediatel

y tilted towards the Soviet side.The Soviet airborne troops who s

tormed into the castle through the torn gates quickly spread ou

t in platoons and neutralized the defenses one by one with a sk

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 청주밤알바 청주여성알바

ill that could only be called strange by the standards of the inf

antry of this world.At this time, the one who was leading the garr

ison around the castle gate on the castle wall was a magician m

ajor named Baron Marion Greifus of the Royal Capital Defense Fo

rce, but his face was turning pale at the sight of his men being d

estroyed in an instant by the suddenly appearing enemy.――――

―What is this?As soon as they descended from the sky to the grou

nd, the otherworldly army quickly gathered in formation and attac

ked the garrison’s concentration area with a skill as if they knew w

here everything was.When they try to shoot arrows from the castle w

alls, they quickly hide themselves under cover, and in some cases —

– it’s hard to believe — out of the blue, they crawl across the groun

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 청주밤알바 청주여성알바

d. And that’s without breaking the group’s control!It is completely d

ifferent from the horizontal battle formation that the infantry of thi

s world generally adopts.With no orderly formations, no control by

commander’s horns or commands, it may seem disorderly at first gl

ance to those without tactical knowledge.However, at least the magi

c soldiers of the royal capital defense force – Baron Greifus, who wa

s ultimately a prominent elite among the standing army – could int

uitively understand that this was a frighteningly controlled tactical

action.In fact, near the enemy drop zone,