
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 유성룸알바 유성유흥알바 유성밤알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 갈마동룸알바 갈마동룸보도 월평동룸알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 갈마동룸알바 갈마동룸보도 월평동룸알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전유흥알바 유성룸알바 유성룸보도
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전유흥알바 유성룸알바 유성룸보도

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 갈마동룸알바 갈마동룸보도 월평동룸알바

As a way to open the air, even after confronting the enemy, h

e was receiving the benefit of a defensive barrier, albeit to a li

mited extent.Of course, by striking multiple barriers individually,

the defensive power of the barrier barrier itself is greatly reduce

d, and as a result of the magician/officer hunt by the red snipe

r in the previous battle, not all platoons are protected by the b

rrier.Also, even if the platoon was fortunate enough to benefit fr

om the barrier frequently, it was by no means a perfect defense,

as it was annihilated by the barrage of enemy grenades and sub

machine guns one after another, causing the barrier to disappea

r.And now, in order to lead the infantry, enemy soldiers are pour

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 갈마동룸알바 갈마동룸보도 월평동룸알바

ng in from under Hegel, who was leading slightly from the front

to the rear, and the barrier is about to be torn apart.“Company c

ommander! Let’s retreat for now. First, rebuild the barrier–」

A senior sergeant wielding a sword next to him shouts.This side is

also protected by a barrier, so it is safe for now, but if things con

tinue like this, the outcome will be as obvious as hell and there

will be no change.“Retreat, ramen? Where are you telling me to

retreat!? Can’t you see the explosive bombs raining down on t

he rear?!”Even though he knew the sergeant was not guilty, Heg

el inadvertently ended up yelling.My own situation was severe, b

ut it wasn’t much different in the rear.Is it the rear? Is it lateral? H

e is desperately trying to block the explosive bullets flying from

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 갈마동룸알바 갈마동룸보도 월평동룸알바

the sky, while being afraid of the metal pieces that might come

flying from somewhere to kill the officer.Or, it is even thought th

at the magic army in the rear may be suppressed by the enemy’s

firepower before the own barrier.As Hegel was about to say some

thing more, a scream jumped into his ears.For an instant, as if ca

ght off guard, Hegel looked ahead.As if drawn to him, the sergean

t also changes his gaze in that direction.The scream—it came from

the side of the other world army that was engaging itself.At this tim

e. The Red Army’s front lines were thrown into great confusion by a

sudden [intruder].A stone house. Jumping from roof to roof, the Chi

mera literally got close to the enemy in an instant, leaping from the

roof and jumping right into the middle of the Red Army group adv

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 갈마동룸알바 갈마동룸보도 월평동룸알바

ancing towards the downtown area.It was at this moment that the s

oldiers stopped shooting for fear of friendly fire and friendly fire.The

chimera’s black tail swung like a whip, decapitating one of the frozen

soldiers.The blown neck hits another soldier directly in the face, break

ing his neck vertebrae.Rather than continue in that position, the Chi

mera leaps again and throws its all into the Red Army ensign who wa

s about to give the order to fire, flinging the unfortunate ensign into

the stone wall of a house on the other side.